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The simplus team made the game’s rules flexible by defining Two config files. These files will ease the Technical Committee’s work By letting them make improvements in league each year without changing the server code.


Server Configuration can be set using server/serverconfig.txt. This Configuration will define the available actions in server inorder to define each game’s rule. You can define as many actions as you want. Each line will define a new action and each action will be defined using 6 characteristics.

  - Action1's name;List of Action1's models;List of number of each Action1's model;Action1's range;Action1's Positive score ;Action1's Negetive score
  - Action2's name;List of Action2's models;List of number of each Action2's model;Action2's range;Action2's Positive score ;Action2's Negetive score

Sample serverconfig.txt:



Trap Configuration can be set using server/trapconfig.txt. This Configuration will define the actions that the server will automatically check each cycle of the game. Most of the times, these actions will be used to define some limitation in the game and decreasing the team’s score. You can define as many traps as you want. Each line will define a new trap and each trap will be defined using 6 characteristics.

- Trap1's name;List of Trap1's models;List of number of each Trap1's model;Trap1's range;Trap1's offset ;Trap1's score
- Trap2's name;List of Trap2's models;List of number of each Trap2's model;Trap2's range;Trap2's offset ;Trap2's score

Sample trapconfig.txt:


Game manager

In order to add the “Game manager” to the world, you should drag & drop the game_manager.ttm in your Scene. It should be mention that game_manager.ttm could be found in the “Model browser” section of V-rep and in the root of “Simplus” directory. For setting the “game duration” in “Cycle” format:

  1. open the “Scene Hirarchy” section of V-rep
  2. find the “Game_manager” model
  3. Double click on the “script icon” near the “Game_manager”
  4. Go to Line 130 and change the “game_duration” variable(It’s default value is 1000)
        -- Set game duration here --
  5. press the following key coresspond to your OS inorder to save the script
    • ctrl+ s (Windows/Ubuntu)
    • command + s (mac)
  6. close the script